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Friday 27 December 2013

Multi-Bank System - ASP.NET Project

December 27, 2013 1
Project Details
Project CodeDWA130
TitleMulti-Bank System - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost


The Multi Banking System Interface is targeted to the future banking solution for the users who is having multiple bank accounts in multiple banks. This interface integrates all existing banks and provides business solutions for both retail and corporate.

Multi-bank system is an innovative ASP.Net web application. The main focus of the application is maintaining multiple bank accounts an user has.  A person can have bank account in any number of banks. But it’s hard to remember every bank logins. So we have developed a web application where a person can handle all his bank accounts in a secure manner.
We have three set of users for this application. They are Customer, Branch Manager and Admin.

Admin can login to the system and perform the following operations.
Add Banks
Example: State Bank of India, Indian Bank, etc.
Add Branches
Example: Chennai, Madurai, etc.
Map Bank and Branches
Example: State Bank of India – Chennai.
Approve Branch Managers
After a bank and branch are added, Branch Managers could register themselves according to the mapping table and the admin can approve those registrations.
Approve Customers
After a branch manager is approved, customers are allowed to register for that bank. Such registrations could be approved by the corresponding branch manager or the administrator. After approval, customers can add any number of bank accounts. These accounts could be approved by corresponding branch managers or the administrator.
Approve Fund Transfers
Customers can transfer funds within their accounts or other accounts in any other bank. Such fund transfers must be approved by their base branch manager or the administrator.

Branch Managers could login to the system and perform the following operations
View Profile   :
Branch Managers could see their profile upon logging into the system.
Approve Customers:
Branch Managers must approve customers registering for their banks. If a customer adds a bank account, for a particular branch, then the manager must approve the account. Admin can also approve the customers.
Approve Fund Transfer:
Branch Managers must approve each and every fund transfer sent from their base branch. This can also be approved by the Administrator.
Branch Manager could see the list of all funds transferred from his base branch.

Customers could login to the system and perform the following operations
View Profile:
Customers could see their profile information once logged in to the system.
Add Bank Accounts:
Customers could see the list of approved bank accounts and can add any new bank account. This will be sent to the branch manager and the admin for approval.
Transfer Funds:
Customers could transfer funds within their accounts or to another customer account. Such transfers should be approved by the Branch Manager of the sender account or the Administrator


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Monday 2 December 2013

Grievance Handling System Project - ASP.NET Project

December 02, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA166
TitleGrievances Handling System Project - ASP.NET Project
Project TypeASP.NET Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2008
Project Cost

About the Project

This project “Grievance Handling System” consists of two set of users Administrator, Employee. This project is developed for companies which can be used, if an employee has to report his grievance to the Admin. Administrator is allowed to perform the following actions.
Employees can register themselves in the system and they will be provided with Employee Id and password. Employees can login to the system to access the application. Upon successful login, the employee will be provided with the following options
Employees can raise a new Grievance or can view the list of Grievances already raised by him/her. He can raise grievance by finding the name of employee by various options provided I the application and can confirm the employee details before raising a grievance against him/her.
Grievance could be raised against three types of employees such as Hospitality, Management, and General Employee. Among the possible Grievances Available, a grievance can be chosen and before raising a grievance, the punishment for the grievance can also be verified.
If any Grievance is raised against him/her, he can see them in this section. An employee can get to know the status of the Grievance or Complaints rose. A grievance can be closed or rejected. Employee can also provide a feedback to the admin. Employee can change his password.
Admin is allowed to perform a few operations such as viewing the Grievances raised. He can filter the list by Open / Closed / Rejected Grievances. Admin can Close a grievance or Reject a Grievance. If the status of Grievance is changed, the concerned employees will get a notification in their mail.


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Saturday 30 November 2013


November 30, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDW105
Project TypeASP.NET Website
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 2008)
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2005
Project Cost

About the Project

Life saver system is a web application developed for blood donations. This consists of two set of users, Administrators and Blood Donors. Administrator login is created for chief doctors in major hospitals which run this web application. Blood Donors who are willing to donate blood have to register in the system. While registering the donors are requested to give the details such as Blood Group, Available days when the user can donate blood, Location, etc.

When blood is needed for a person, then the corresponding administrator should add the details of the patient such as, Patient name, Blood group, Location of the hospital, etc. The system will automatically analyze the list of donors who can donate blood for a particular patient. Then the system compares the location of the person and the hospital where the patient is admitted. Then the system compares the day of blood needed and the day’s availability of the donor.

Finally for the qualified donors E-Mail will be sent to their personal Mail Address and a mail will be dispatched to the donor login page of the system. If the donor is interested in donating blood then he can login to the system to see the full details.

Several donors may be interested in donating blood and it may create confusions. So, once a donor reaches a hospital for blood donation. It should be updated in the system. Then the system will automatically send EMail to all the remaining donors that their need is fulfilled.


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Monday 11 November 2013

Cab Services Management System Project - Car Pooling Project - Cool Cab Services Project - ASP.NET Project

November 11, 2013 1
Project Details
Project CodeDWA159
TitleCab Services Management System Project - Car Pooling Project - Cool Cab Services Project
Project TypeASP.NET Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost

                                            Cool Cab Services

Description of the Project:
When it comes to cab rental services, Cool Service is the most trusted and reliable name in the travel business. The most advanced travel agents offering cab rental and car hire in India, making full use of information technology to improve the level of our efficiency. However, this is only one aspect of services. And this project continually strive to offer the best of services - both in terms of man and machine, to our clients
Moreover, this project has  a fleet of cars ranging from luxury to budget cabs. While, it offers online cab hire service for corporate houses. And this project claim to offer the best of rates, which are tailor-made depending upon the facilities, availed and offer both intercity and intra-city cab facilities. All cabs have proper permits and documentation so that the clients couldn't be hassled for the lack of documents. However, this project has strategic backup system for any eventuality. Cab drivers are educated, polite, and reliable and are trained to handle acute breakdowns. The cab service includes all categories of cars from luxury to budget.
Further, this project’s utmost priority is quality. To achieve this, vehicles are well maintained and tested for delivering optimum and uninterrupted performance. Team of professionals in the travel business enables this system to design trips that suits to all budgets and preferences of the travelers. In addition, workforce including drivers and administrative staff are well trained to discharge their duties with a lot of efficiency.

Modules of the Projects:

    • Admin module
    •  HR module
    • Maintenance  module
    • Movement module
    • Finance module
    • Quality Assurance module

Hardware Requirements:  

  • PIV 2.8 GHz Processor and Above
  • RAM 512MB and Above
  • HDD 20 GB Hard Disk Space and Above

 Software Requirements:               

  • WINDOWS OS (XP / 2000 / 2003 Server)
  • Visual Studio .Net 2005 Enterprise Edition
  • Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)                          
  • SQL Server 2000/2005


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Sunday 10 November 2013

Student Intimation System Project - ASP.NET Project

November 10, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA158
TitleStudent Intimation System Project
Project TypeASP.NET Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost

Student Intimation System - ASP.NET PROJECT

This Project “Student Intimation System” deals with development of education services based on EMail. Here the student is intimated about any information /notification through Mail. He can also know his test scores, enrollment information etc. by this service.

The School or College or any educational organization has a lot of valuable information which can be provided to the students, such as release of results/Test-Scores, Enrollment information, University notifications, Internship opportunity and Parent alerts etc. by sending an SMS. This reduces the manual work to much extent. Here Mail can be sent to a group of students or a single student. The system is capable of choosing either Student or Parent for receiving the SMS. Administrator is only allowed to use the service. 

            In this project, the system is constrained to be useful for the following services:

          • Campus Interview Notification
          • Attendance Notification
          • Blood Donation Notification
          • Class Order Details Notification
          • NCC Offers

This system can be extended in future to include other related services also.



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Monday 28 October 2013

Job Portal Project - Job Classifieds Project (ASP.NET)

October 28, 2013 2
Project Details
Project CodeDW112
Project TypeASP.NET Website
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 2008)
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2005
Project Cost

About the Project

Job Portal is an application which connects employer & job seekers where employers are the sources of the resources and the job seekers can find and apply for their targeted jobs. Employer have to register the Company Details, Job Specification, etc. and the Job seeker should register themselves, the Qualification, Specialization, Experience details. Etc. The job seeker must upload the resume to the system after registration. A job posted by any employer will be posted on all job seekers page. If the job seeker is interested in the job, he can apply for it. This information is sent to the respective employer and the employer can see the job seekers personal information, professional details and his resume. If the employer want to interview the job seeker, he can reply to the job seeker. This invitation is sent to the job seeker via email. The job seeker can filter the list of available jobs based on various criteria. Some of them are, Location Based, Company Name based, Area of Interest Based, etc.


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Thursday 10 October 2013

Campus Recruitment System Project - ASP.NET Project

October 10, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA153
TitleCampus Recruitment System - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2008
Project Cost


The project has three sets of users
    • Student
    • IT Company (Recruiter)
    • Administrator
Student can create an account which will be approved by the Administrator. Student can login to the system, to check his marks. Student could see the list of companies that would come for recruitment for the current year. Student can check his/her eligibility to attend each company and can apply for each and every company. Eligibility Criteria is a student already placed in one company cannot apply/attend for other companies.

IT Company (Recruiter) can create an account which will be approved by the Administrator. While creating an account, the recruiter must specify the basic details of the company. The recruiter can login to the system and can post for Job Opportunities. Job factors such as Job Title, Salary, Skills needed will be added for each and every job opportunity by the recruiter. A Company can post as many job opportunities, but the lastly added job will be active for the student. These job offers are sent to the students as Job Offers.
Once student applies for a job, the requests will be sent to the Recruiter Queue. The recruiter could be able to see each students profile and the marks of each student. After interview, the recruiter could select / reject a candidate.

Administrator can login to the system and could approve / reject a student or a company. Admin has the privilege to add/update marks of each student. Admin could see the report of placed students, company details, department-wise placement details, etc. Admin can also post this information to the website. The information posted by the admin will be sent to the homepage of the website, and any one without login could see the details.


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Thursday 3 October 2013

Virtual Reality Desktop - DotNet Project

October 03, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA151
TitleVirtual Reality Desktop - .Net Project
Project Type.Net Windows Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008
Back EndNil
Project Cost

Virtual Reality Desktop

Most users often have many Windows open at once, and so often will use a Virtual Reality Desktop to help organize their Windows. This helps us to create and switch between different desktops. It even gives you an illusion of switching the application from one desktop to another. But, it's just an illusion. The application will be closed in the current desktop and will be launched on the specified desktop.
This Virtual Reality Desktop lets you organize applications over several virtual desktops (also called 'workspaces'). User is presented with options and menu for switching between desktops. This application is using hooks to display ‘Move To’ menu options in system tray.

Modules / Functionalities:
In this project we have 3 functionalities:

  1. Configuration
  2. Windows Hooks
  3. Widows Recovery

Configuration: In this we can configure the no.of virtual desktops need to display. And also can configure the buttons layout.

Windows Hooks: Windows Hooks is a mechanism used to minimize any application to the system tray. Hooks is a mechanism provided by Microsoft with which one can intercept events before they reach an application. We can tray/ untray the selected application into the system tray using windows hooks.

Windows Recovery: Using windows recovery, user can recover the windows when windows did not shut down correctly last time.


Technologies used:

  • .NET Framework 3.5.
  • Visual Studio IDE 2008.


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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Virtual ClassRoom with Online Games - ASP.NET Project

October 02, 2013 3
Project Details
Project CodeDWA148
TitleVirtual ClassRoom with Online Games
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost

Advanced E-Learning Portal Consists of 3 Set of Users

1. Staff

Staff Registration, Login
Staff Clear Student doubts
Staff Upload Articles
Staff Add Tests
Staff Add Games


Student Registration, Login
Student Ask Doubts
Student Download Articles
Student Rate Staffs based on Doubt Solutions Given
Student Take Examinations
Students can Play Games


View Student Details
Approve Staffs
View Uploads
View Downloads
View Doubts
View Report (Best Staff, Best Student, etc)


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Sunday 1 September 2013

Data Hiding in Audio Files (Audio Steganography) - .Net Project

September 01, 2013 1
Project Details
Project CodeDWA133
TitleData Hiding in Audio Files (Audio Steganography)
Project Type.Net Windows Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndNil
Project Cost

  This Project Titled “Data Hiding in Audio files” is the software developed for hiding information which uses the technology called as Stenography which is the art of hiding information in ways that prevent its detection.. A message in cipher text may arouse suspicion while an invisible message is not. The conventional way of protecting information was to use a standard symmetric or asymmetric key system in encryption. Stenography can also be used to place a hidden “trademark” in images, music, and software, a technique referred to as watermarking.

Stenography, if however used along with cryptography then the message will become quite secure as far as cryptanalytic attacks are concerned. Now, if this cipher text is embedded in an image, video, voice, etc., it is even more secure. If an encrypted message is intercepted, the interceptor   knows the text is an encrypted message. With Stenography, the interceptor may know the object contains a message.
                      When performing data hiding on audio, one must exploit the weakness of the Human Auditory System (HAS), while at the same time being aware of the extreme sensitivity of the human auditory system. First the audio file which behaves as carrier file is selected. Then a message or a text file to be embedded in audio is selected. Then a key file is selected. The key file contains characters whose ASCII values are taken for encryption. Then the file is embedded in audio using low bit encoding mechanism and extraction of embedded message is being done vice-versa.


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Saturday 24 August 2013

Online Job Portal [ Job Portal ][ Job Search ][ Job Site ] - ASP.NET Project

August 24, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA132
TitleOnline Job Portal - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndNil
Project Cost

          Online Job Board is a web application that provides a platform for candidates seeking job and the employers to share their needs.
The candidates seeking job (referred as job seekers now onwards) can perform following operations:
  • Register with the web site.
  • Post their resume.
  • Modify their resume.
  • Search for job postings.
  • Browse searched job postings.
  • Add job posting to their favorites list.
  • Add frequently used searches to their favorites list.
The employers can perform following operations:
  • Register with the web site. 
  • Enter profile of their company. 
  • Post one or more job postings. 
  • Modify the job postings. 
  • Search the resume database. 
  • Browse searched resumes. 
  • Add resumes to their favorites list.


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Face Recognition System - VB.Net Project

August 24, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA131
TitleAdvanced Face Recognition System - VB.Net Project
Project Type.Net Windows Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndNil
Project Cost


Automatic face identification of characters in movies has drawn significant research interests and led to many interesting applications. It is a challenging problem due to the huge variation in the appearance of each character. Although existing methods demonstrate promising results in clean environment, the performances are limited in complex movie scenes due to the noises generated during the face tracking and face clustering process. In this paper we present two schemes of global face-name matching based framework for robust character identification. The contributions of this work include: Complex character changes are handled by simultaneously graph partition and graph matching. Beyond existing character identification approaches, we further perform an in-depth sensitivity analysis by introducing two types of simulated noises. The proposed schemes demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on movie character identification in various genres of movies.
Existing System
In this project is used to detect the face of movie characters and recognize the characters and the existing system are taking the too much time to detect the face. But this one we can do it in a minute process.
  • In the previous process the time taken for detecting face is too long in windows processed.
Proposed System
          In this Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification is used to detect the face of movie characters and the Proposed system is taking the minimum time to detect the face. In this one we can do it in a minute process.
  • In the proposed process the time taken for detecting face in minimum (min) time only in windows processed.

  • Design & Explain with Login
  • Detection
  •  Recognition
  • Login
In this module is going to explain the Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification designing and how we did the face detection and recognition in this project. The images will explain about the facial fetching details. After that admin going to login with the details which needed for the login page.
  • Detection
In this module we are going to detect the face of the movie characters. In this module we are using the emgu cv library we must install the emgu cv library. After installing the emgu cv lib in our project we need to add reference with the name emgu.cv, emgu.cv.util, emgu.cv.ui. When you will complete the references you will get the emgu controls in the toolbox.
  • Recognition
In this module we are going to recognize the face of the movie characters which is we previously stored on the face database. We just found that the give the real name of it. This is going to be done here. Here we are using the With the help of these eigenObjectRecognizer we are going to recognize the face.

  • System                 :         Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
  • Hard Disk            :         40 GB.
  • Floppy Drive       :         1.44 Mb.
  • Monitor                :         15 VGA Color.
  • Mouse                  :         Logitech.
  • Ram                     :         512 MB.
  • Operating system           :         Windows XP Professional.
  • Coding Language  :         C#.NET


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Tuesday 2 July 2013

Online Book Sales - ASP.NET Project

July 02, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA129
TitleOnline Book Sales - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost

Book Sales Project Consists of two set of users

1. User

User can browse books categorizied as Science, Cooking, Fiction, Computer etc.
Before purchase the user will be prompted to create an account
User can order any number of books based on the availability
System will alert if the number of books are not available.
System will prompt for card number for purchase

2. Admin

Admin can add new books
Update cost of a book
Add/Update No. Of Copies of books Available
View the users who have submitted request for books purchase


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Saturday 22 June 2013

Advanced E-Learning System - ASP.NET Project (Virtual Classroom, E-School, E-Class, Online Education)

June 22, 2013 3
Project Details
Project CodeDWA128
TitleAdvanced E-Learning Portal - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost

Advanced E-Learning Portal Consists of 3 Set of Users

1. Staff

Staff Registration, Login
Staff Clear Student doubts
Staff Upload Articles
Staff Add Tests


Student Registration, Login
Student Ask Doubts
Student Download Articles
Student Rate Staffs based on Doubt Solutions Given
Student Take Examinations


View Student Details
Approve Staffs
View Uploads
View Downloads
View Doubts
View Report (Best Staff, Best Student, etc)


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Saturday 4 May 2013

Online Auction Project - ASP.NET Project

May 04, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA126
TitleOnline Auction Project - ASP.NET Project
Project TypeASP.NET Website
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 2008)
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2005
Project Cost

About the Project

Online auction is web based auction software designed for the auction business (ex. ubid.com). Only the administrator can add products. Registered users are allowed only to bid on the products. Customers will have to register themselves and will get a permanent user id and password, by using this user id and password he can login and they can bid for a product. This system can also handle multiple categories and products at one time i.e. the user can access various products which are for sale. Apart from this the user can see the details of the products related information provided with the auction product.


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Shopping Cart Project (E-Shopping or Shopping Portal or Online Shopping) - ASP.NET Project

May 04, 2013 1
Project Details
Project CodeDWA125
TitleShopping Cart Project - ASP.NET Project
Project TypeASP.NET Website
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 2008)
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2005
Project Cost

About the Project

The Online Shopping Centre (OSC) application enables vendors to set up online shops, customers to browse through the shops, and a system administrator to approve and reject requests for new shops and maintain lists of shop categories.
Also on the agenda is designing an online shopping site to manage the items in the shop and also help customers purchase them online without having to visit the shop physically.
Our online shopping center will use the internet as the sole method for selling goods to its consumers. The consumer will be in complete control of his/her shopping experience by using the “unique storefront” concept. Shopping will be highly personalized and the shopping center will provide lower prices than most competitors. This, in brief, is a description of our product which will showcase a complete shopping experience in a small package.
Today the internet and its boom have created a new economic scenario that not only stresses on the classical concept of the “product” but also on the modern concept of “service”. It is this level of service that dictates whether a commercial venture will succeed or not in the market. To provide a high accessibility of service we will design the online shopping website, so that potential customers need not go to a physical shop to buy products or services. They just need to be online to complete their purchases. Unlike the prevailing “brick and mortar” shops which have physical existence, we will operate solely from cyberspace.
Most current systems have a physical foundation that is the root cause to quite a number of problems. By maintaining multiple store fronts, itself being an expensive proposition, store prices are forced to rise. Thus, by using our product, our clients’ competitors are at a disadvantage because their costs are significantly higher than our costs, allowing our clients to sell the same goods at a lower price. As people become more accustomed to using the internet, they view ordering products and services online as a time-saving and cost-saving experience, which is the very essence of our online shopping system.
This project envisages bridging the gap between the seller, the retailer and the customer. A very high flexibility is being maintained in the design process so that this project can take the following path:-
A multiple merchant venue with each merchant having his/her own window which the customer can visit to browse and subsequently buy the products from
Maintaining the deliverable goods as well as services through single or multiple windows is also on the agenda.

Execution Video

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Friday 3 May 2013

Car Sales Project - ASP.NET Project

May 03, 2013 0
Car Sales Project - ASP.NET Project
Project Details
Project CodeDWA124
TitleCar Sales Project - ASP.NET Project
Project TypeASP.NET Website
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 2008)
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2005
Project Cost

About the Project

About Car Sales, Dealership, etc


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