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Saturday 24 August 2013

Online Job Portal [ Job Portal ][ Job Search ][ Job Site ] - ASP.NET Project

August 24, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA132
TitleOnline Job Portal - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndNil
Project Cost

          Online Job Board is a web application that provides a platform for candidates seeking job and the employers to share their needs.
The candidates seeking job (referred as job seekers now onwards) can perform following operations:
  • Register with the web site.
  • Post their resume.
  • Modify their resume.
  • Search for job postings.
  • Browse searched job postings.
  • Add job posting to their favorites list.
  • Add frequently used searches to their favorites list.
The employers can perform following operations:
  • Register with the web site. 
  • Enter profile of their company. 
  • Post one or more job postings. 
  • Modify the job postings. 
  • Search the resume database. 
  • Browse searched resumes. 
  • Add resumes to their favorites list.


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Face Recognition System - VB.Net Project

August 24, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA131
TitleAdvanced Face Recognition System - VB.Net Project
Project Type.Net Windows Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndNil
Project Cost


Automatic face identification of characters in movies has drawn significant research interests and led to many interesting applications. It is a challenging problem due to the huge variation in the appearance of each character. Although existing methods demonstrate promising results in clean environment, the performances are limited in complex movie scenes due to the noises generated during the face tracking and face clustering process. In this paper we present two schemes of global face-name matching based framework for robust character identification. The contributions of this work include: Complex character changes are handled by simultaneously graph partition and graph matching. Beyond existing character identification approaches, we further perform an in-depth sensitivity analysis by introducing two types of simulated noises. The proposed schemes demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on movie character identification in various genres of movies.
Existing System
In this project is used to detect the face of movie characters and recognize the characters and the existing system are taking the too much time to detect the face. But this one we can do it in a minute process.
  • In the previous process the time taken for detecting face is too long in windows processed.
Proposed System
          In this Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification is used to detect the face of movie characters and the Proposed system is taking the minimum time to detect the face. In this one we can do it in a minute process.
  • In the proposed process the time taken for detecting face in minimum (min) time only in windows processed.

  • Design & Explain with Login
  • Detection
  •  Recognition
  • Login
In this module is going to explain the Robust Face-Name Graph Matching for Movie Character Identification designing and how we did the face detection and recognition in this project. The images will explain about the facial fetching details. After that admin going to login with the details which needed for the login page.
  • Detection
In this module we are going to detect the face of the movie characters. In this module we are using the emgu cv library we must install the emgu cv library. After installing the emgu cv lib in our project we need to add reference with the name emgu.cv, emgu.cv.util, emgu.cv.ui. When you will complete the references you will get the emgu controls in the toolbox.
  • Recognition
In this module we are going to recognize the face of the movie characters which is we previously stored on the face database. We just found that the give the real name of it. This is going to be done here. Here we are using the With the help of these eigenObjectRecognizer we are going to recognize the face.

  • System                 :         Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
  • Hard Disk            :         40 GB.
  • Floppy Drive       :         1.44 Mb.
  • Monitor                :         15 VGA Color.
  • Mouse                  :         Logitech.
  • Ram                     :         512 MB.
  • Operating system           :         Windows XP Professional.
  • Coding Language  :         C#.NET


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