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Monday 28 October 2013

Job Portal Project - Job Classifieds Project (ASP.NET)

October 28, 2013 2
Project Details
Project CodeDW112
Project TypeASP.NET Website
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008 (.Net 2008)
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2005
Project Cost

About the Project

Job Portal is an application which connects employer & job seekers where employers are the sources of the resources and the job seekers can find and apply for their targeted jobs. Employer have to register the Company Details, Job Specification, etc. and the Job seeker should register themselves, the Qualification, Specialization, Experience details. Etc. The job seeker must upload the resume to the system after registration. A job posted by any employer will be posted on all job seekers page. If the job seeker is interested in the job, he can apply for it. This information is sent to the respective employer and the employer can see the job seekers personal information, professional details and his resume. If the employer want to interview the job seeker, he can reply to the job seeker. This invitation is sent to the job seeker via email. The job seeker can filter the list of available jobs based on various criteria. Some of them are, Location Based, Company Name based, Area of Interest Based, etc.


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Thursday 10 October 2013

Campus Recruitment System Project - ASP.NET Project

October 10, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA153
TitleCampus Recruitment System - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2008
Project Cost


The project has three sets of users
    • Student
    • IT Company (Recruiter)
    • Administrator
Student can create an account which will be approved by the Administrator. Student can login to the system, to check his marks. Student could see the list of companies that would come for recruitment for the current year. Student can check his/her eligibility to attend each company and can apply for each and every company. Eligibility Criteria is a student already placed in one company cannot apply/attend for other companies.

IT Company (Recruiter) can create an account which will be approved by the Administrator. While creating an account, the recruiter must specify the basic details of the company. The recruiter can login to the system and can post for Job Opportunities. Job factors such as Job Title, Salary, Skills needed will be added for each and every job opportunity by the recruiter. A Company can post as many job opportunities, but the lastly added job will be active for the student. These job offers are sent to the students as Job Offers.
Once student applies for a job, the requests will be sent to the Recruiter Queue. The recruiter could be able to see each students profile and the marks of each student. After interview, the recruiter could select / reject a candidate.

Administrator can login to the system and could approve / reject a student or a company. Admin has the privilege to add/update marks of each student. Admin could see the report of placed students, company details, department-wise placement details, etc. Admin can also post this information to the website. The information posted by the admin will be sent to the homepage of the website, and any one without login could see the details.


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Thursday 3 October 2013

Virtual Reality Desktop - DotNet Project

October 03, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA151
TitleVirtual Reality Desktop - .Net Project
Project Type.Net Windows Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008
Back EndNil
Project Cost

Virtual Reality Desktop

Most users often have many Windows open at once, and so often will use a Virtual Reality Desktop to help organize their Windows. This helps us to create and switch between different desktops. It even gives you an illusion of switching the application from one desktop to another. But, it's just an illusion. The application will be closed in the current desktop and will be launched on the specified desktop.
This Virtual Reality Desktop lets you organize applications over several virtual desktops (also called 'workspaces'). User is presented with options and menu for switching between desktops. This application is using hooks to display ‘Move To’ menu options in system tray.

Modules / Functionalities:
In this project we have 3 functionalities:

  1. Configuration
  2. Windows Hooks
  3. Widows Recovery

Configuration: In this we can configure the no.of virtual desktops need to display. And also can configure the buttons layout.

Windows Hooks: Windows Hooks is a mechanism used to minimize any application to the system tray. Hooks is a mechanism provided by Microsoft with which one can intercept events before they reach an application. We can tray/ untray the selected application into the system tray using windows hooks.

Windows Recovery: Using windows recovery, user can recover the windows when windows did not shut down correctly last time.


Technologies used:

  • .NET Framework 3.5.
  • Visual Studio IDE 2008.


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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Virtual ClassRoom with Online Games - ASP.NET Project

October 02, 2013 3
Project Details
Project CodeDWA148
TitleVirtual ClassRoom with Online Games
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost

Advanced E-Learning Portal Consists of 3 Set of Users

1. Staff

Staff Registration, Login
Staff Clear Student doubts
Staff Upload Articles
Staff Add Tests
Staff Add Games


Student Registration, Login
Student Ask Doubts
Student Download Articles
Student Rate Staffs based on Doubt Solutions Given
Student Take Examinations
Students can Play Games


View Student Details
Approve Staffs
View Uploads
View Downloads
View Doubts
View Report (Best Staff, Best Student, etc)


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