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Friday 27 December 2013

Multi-Bank System - ASP.NET Project

December 27, 2013 1
Project Details
Project CodeDWA130
TitleMulti-Bank System - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndSQL Server 2008
Project Cost


The Multi Banking System Interface is targeted to the future banking solution for the users who is having multiple bank accounts in multiple banks. This interface integrates all existing banks and provides business solutions for both retail and corporate.

Multi-bank system is an innovative ASP.Net web application. The main focus of the application is maintaining multiple bank accounts an user has.  A person can have bank account in any number of banks. But it’s hard to remember every bank logins. So we have developed a web application where a person can handle all his bank accounts in a secure manner.
We have three set of users for this application. They are Customer, Branch Manager and Admin.

Admin can login to the system and perform the following operations.
Add Banks
Example: State Bank of India, Indian Bank, etc.
Add Branches
Example: Chennai, Madurai, etc.
Map Bank and Branches
Example: State Bank of India – Chennai.
Approve Branch Managers
After a bank and branch are added, Branch Managers could register themselves according to the mapping table and the admin can approve those registrations.
Approve Customers
After a branch manager is approved, customers are allowed to register for that bank. Such registrations could be approved by the corresponding branch manager or the administrator. After approval, customers can add any number of bank accounts. These accounts could be approved by corresponding branch managers or the administrator.
Approve Fund Transfers
Customers can transfer funds within their accounts or other accounts in any other bank. Such fund transfers must be approved by their base branch manager or the administrator.

Branch Managers could login to the system and perform the following operations
View Profile   :
Branch Managers could see their profile upon logging into the system.
Approve Customers:
Branch Managers must approve customers registering for their banks. If a customer adds a bank account, for a particular branch, then the manager must approve the account. Admin can also approve the customers.
Approve Fund Transfer:
Branch Managers must approve each and every fund transfer sent from their base branch. This can also be approved by the Administrator.
Branch Manager could see the list of all funds transferred from his base branch.

Customers could login to the system and perform the following operations
View Profile:
Customers could see their profile information once logged in to the system.
Add Bank Accounts:
Customers could see the list of approved bank accounts and can add any new bank account. This will be sent to the branch manager and the admin for approval.
Transfer Funds:
Customers could transfer funds within their accounts or to another customer account. Such transfers should be approved by the Branch Manager of the sender account or the Administrator


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Monday 2 December 2013

Grievance Handling System Project - ASP.NET Project

December 02, 2013 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA166
TitleGrievances Handling System Project - ASP.NET Project
Project TypeASP.NET Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2008
Project Cost

About the Project

This project “Grievance Handling System” consists of two set of users Administrator, Employee. This project is developed for companies which can be used, if an employee has to report his grievance to the Admin. Administrator is allowed to perform the following actions.
Employees can register themselves in the system and they will be provided with Employee Id and password. Employees can login to the system to access the application. Upon successful login, the employee will be provided with the following options
Employees can raise a new Grievance or can view the list of Grievances already raised by him/her. He can raise grievance by finding the name of employee by various options provided I the application and can confirm the employee details before raising a grievance against him/her.
Grievance could be raised against three types of employees such as Hospitality, Management, and General Employee. Among the possible Grievances Available, a grievance can be chosen and before raising a grievance, the punishment for the grievance can also be verified.
If any Grievance is raised against him/her, he can see them in this section. An employee can get to know the status of the Grievance or Complaints rose. A grievance can be closed or rejected. Employee can also provide a feedback to the admin. Employee can change his password.
Admin is allowed to perform a few operations such as viewing the Grievances raised. He can filter the list by Open / Closed / Rejected Grievances. Admin can Close a grievance or Reject a Grievance. If the status of Grievance is changed, the concerned employees will get a notification in their mail.


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