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Wednesday 30 April 2014

Leave Management System - ASP.NET Project

April 30, 2014 1
Project Details
Project CodeDWA176
TitleLeave Management System - ASP.NET Project
Project TypeASP.NET Web Application (JSP)
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2008
Project Cost

This project is aimed at developing a web based Leave Management Tool, which is of importance to either an organization or a college.
The Easy Leave is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group/Dept. This system can be used to automate the workflow of leave applications and their approvals. The periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features like notifications, cancellation of leave, automatic approval of leave, report generators etc in this Tool.
Functional components of the project:
There are registered people in the system. Some are approvers. An approver can also be a requestor. In an organization, the hierarchy could be Engineers/Managers/Business Managers/Managing Director etc. In a college, it could be Lecturer/Professor/Head of the Department/Dean/Principal etc.
Following is a list of functionalities of the system:

  1. A person should be able to
    • login to the system through the first page of the application
    • change the password after logging into the system
    • see his/her eligibility details (like how many days of leave he/she is eligible for etc)
    • query the leave balance
    • see his/her leave history since the time he/she joined the company/college
    • apply for leave, specifying the from and to dates, reason for taking leave, address for communication while on leave and his/her superior’s email id
    • see his/her current leave applications and the leave applications that are submitted to him/her for approval or cancellation
    • approve/reject the leave applications that are submitted to him/her
    • withdraw his/her leave application (which has not been approved yet)
    • Cancel his/her leave (which has been already approved). This will need to be approved by his/her Superior
    • get help about the leave system on how to use the different features of the system
  2. As soon as a leave application /cancellation request /withdrawal /approval /rejection /password-change is made by the person, an automatic email should be sent to the person and his superior giving details about the action
  3. The number of days of leave (as per the assumed leave policy) should be automatically credited to everybody and a notification regarding the same be sent to them automatically
  4. An automatic leave-approval facility for leave applications which are older than 2 weeks should be there. Notification about the automatic leave approval should be sent to the person as well as his superior
  • Keywords:
  • Generic Technology Keywords: Databases, User Interface, Programming
  • Specific Technology Keywords: ASP.Net, C#.Net, MS SQL Server
  • Project Type Keywords: Presentation, Business, Data Access Layers
  • SDLC Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing

The modules involved are:

  • Administration
  • Employee
  • Search
  • Report
  • Authentication

In this module the Administrator has the privileges to add all the Employees and register them in the organization and check the information of the Employee and check the status of the leave when they have taken and what type of leave they have taken and search is done based on the employee and report is generated based on employee.
This module contain complete search like Leave search, Type of Leave, Employee based on the leave and starting and ending day of leave.
In this module employee has the privileges to use his username and password for login and he can see the request given by the customer and he can pass the process to the Business Manager and maintain the record of the customers.
This module contains all the information about the reports generated by the Employees based on the Performance and by the leave status.
This module contains all the information about the authenticated user. User without his username and password can’t enter into the login if he is only the authenticated user then he can enter to his login.


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Wednesday 19 March 2014

Evaluating Student’s Performance Using K-Means Clustering - ASP.NET Project

March 19, 2014 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA171
TitleEvaluating Student’s Performance Using K-Means Clustering - .Net Project
Project TypeASP.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010
Back EndMicrosoft SQL Server 2008
Project Cost

About the Project

Evaluating Student’s Performance Using K-Means Clustering - .Net Project

In India ranking of students is mainly done on basis of marks obtained in exams. Most of the Indian universities follow the common pattern of grouping the students in the category of pass with distinction for students scoring 75% and above, first division for students scoring from 60% to 74.9%, second division for students scoring from 50% to 59.9%, third division having the range from 40% to 49.9%.Many Universities set a minimum set of marks that should be maintained in order to continue in the degree program. In some University, the minimum requirement set for the students is 40% while in other cases it may be 33%. Therefore, marks obtained in examination is still remains the most common factor used by the academic planners to evaluate progression in an academic environment. With traditional approach of grouping students based on their average scores, it is difficult to obtain a comprehensive view of the state of the students’ performance and simultaneously discover important details from their time to time performance

In this paper, a simple methodology based on k-means clustering algorithm and deterministic model is being used to evaluate the performance of students in higher institutions. This methodology will assist the academic planners to monitor student’s performance during each semester. Hence this model will play important role for academic planners to determine the reasons for decline in performance of students during particular semester and steps that need to be taken to improve performance from next academic session



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Sunday 2 February 2014

Crime Investigation System - ASP.NET Project

February 02, 2014 1
Project Details
Project CodeDWA169
TitleCrime Investigation System - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008
Back EndSQL Server 2005
Project Cost


The proposed system applies to all Police stations across the country and specifically looks into the subject of Crime Records Management. It is well understood that Crime Prevention, Detection and Conviction of criminals depend on a highly responsive backbone of Information Management. The efficiency of the police function and the effectiveness with which it tackles crime depend on what quality of information it can derive from its existing records and how fast it can have access to it.
It is proposed to centralize Information Management in Crime for the purposes of fast and efficient sharing of critical information across all Police Stations across the territory. Initially, the system will be implemented across Cities and Towns and later on, be interlinked so that a Police detective can access information across all records in the state thus helping speedy and successful completion to cases. The System would also be used to generate information for pro-active and preventive measures for fighting crime.

The project has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database. The application for the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of SQL server and all the user interfaces have been designed using the DOT Net technologies.   The standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff.


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Tuesday 21 January 2014

Video Zone - ASP.NET Project

January 21, 2014 0
Project Details
Project CodeDWA168
TitleVideo Zone - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008
Back EndSQL Server 2005
Project Cost

Video Zone

Description of the project:

Entertainment has become one of the most important activity in today’s busy human life. Relaxation is very much necessary for a person to lead a happy life. This project is an attempt to fulfill the objective of developing a relaxation media.
This is a ASP.Net web application wherein admin uploads videos and the users can view them online.
Video zone name itself says it’s a zone or a place which will have videos . that means our web site hosts different videos and can be accessible to the users of our website. This application consists of three modules namely admin, listener and artists. Admin will control our application and can accept or rejects the videos which have been added by the artists. If admin accepts the videos added by the artists than this videos will be added to the zone otherwise those videos which have been rejected by admin won’t be available in our video zone. On the other hand artist will add the videos in this application, along with the song name, if his/her videos been accepted, than it will be included in our video zone website otherwise not. The third module of our project is user or listener or viewer module, who will use the facilities of our website. User can view the videos, can create his own playlist.

Existing system:
In the existing system, we can upload the videos in some website but we wont have specific modules like admin, artists and listener . Also those website specifically not been designed to provide an interface between the artists and listener. In the existing system what ever the videos user uploads and downloads, it will be done in bits and bytes format. That means when ever some one upload videos, first video will be converted into bits and bytes than will be dumped in the database. When the user wants to download or play it , the bits and bytes from the database need to be converted into video format first than will be played , which takes considerably more time and more time when the bandwidth or internet speed is slow. This has been overcome in our proposed system.


Proposed system:

In the proposed system, we are developing a website known as video zone, for hosting different videos and also to provide interface between the users of the website, that is between the artists and listener. The only authenticated and authorized users are allowed to access and use our website, and the videos that are accepted by admin can only be available in our website and the videos that are not accepted by admin will not be available in our application once they are rejected by admin.
Another important advantage of using or developing the proposed system is that use of file stream concept in our application. That is in the existing system if we want to play videos , it should be first converted from bits and bytes to video format than will be played which takes considerably more time when bandwidth is low or internet speed is low. This has been overcome in our application, wherein will use file stream which reads the data directly that is bits and bytes as in the form of video. That means no need of converting bits and bytes to video format as file stream will read bits and bytes directly as videos so no buffering is required and time will be used less to read the video.



This application consists of three modules namely admin, listener and artists. Admin will control our application and can accept or rejects the videos which have been added by the artists. If admin accepts the videos added by the artists than this videos will be added to the zone otherwise those videos which have been rejected by admin won’t be available in our video zone. On the other hand artist will add the videos in this application, along with the song name, if his/her videos been accepted, than it will be included in our video zone website otherwise not. The third module of our project is user or listener or viewer module, which registered and will use the facilities of our website. User can view the videos, can create his own playlist.

Software requirements:

  • Microsoft .Net framework 3.5
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • Microsoft ASP.Net 3.5
  • Microsoft C#.Net language
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • HTML

Hardware Requirements:
Processor : Intel Pentium 4 or more
Ram : 1 GB or more
Hard disk : 40 GB hard disk recommended for primary partition.


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