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Tuesday 21 January 2014

Video Zone - ASP.NET Project

Project Details
Project CodeDWA168
TitleVideo Zone - ASP.NET Project
Project Type.Net Web Application
Front EndMicrosoft Visual Studio 2008
Back EndSQL Server 2005
Project Cost

Video Zone

Description of the project:

Entertainment has become one of the most important activity in today’s busy human life. Relaxation is very much necessary for a person to lead a happy life. This project is an attempt to fulfill the objective of developing a relaxation media.
This is a ASP.Net web application wherein admin uploads videos and the users can view them online.
Video zone name itself says it’s a zone or a place which will have videos . that means our web site hosts different videos and can be accessible to the users of our website. This application consists of three modules namely admin, listener and artists. Admin will control our application and can accept or rejects the videos which have been added by the artists. If admin accepts the videos added by the artists than this videos will be added to the zone otherwise those videos which have been rejected by admin won’t be available in our video zone. On the other hand artist will add the videos in this application, along with the song name, if his/her videos been accepted, than it will be included in our video zone website otherwise not. The third module of our project is user or listener or viewer module, who will use the facilities of our website. User can view the videos, can create his own playlist.

Existing system:
In the existing system, we can upload the videos in some website but we wont have specific modules like admin, artists and listener . Also those website specifically not been designed to provide an interface between the artists and listener. In the existing system what ever the videos user uploads and downloads, it will be done in bits and bytes format. That means when ever some one upload videos, first video will be converted into bits and bytes than will be dumped in the database. When the user wants to download or play it , the bits and bytes from the database need to be converted into video format first than will be played , which takes considerably more time and more time when the bandwidth or internet speed is slow. This has been overcome in our proposed system.


Proposed system:

In the proposed system, we are developing a website known as video zone, for hosting different videos and also to provide interface between the users of the website, that is between the artists and listener. The only authenticated and authorized users are allowed to access and use our website, and the videos that are accepted by admin can only be available in our website and the videos that are not accepted by admin will not be available in our application once they are rejected by admin.
Another important advantage of using or developing the proposed system is that use of file stream concept in our application. That is in the existing system if we want to play videos , it should be first converted from bits and bytes to video format than will be played which takes considerably more time when bandwidth is low or internet speed is low. This has been overcome in our application, wherein will use file stream which reads the data directly that is bits and bytes as in the form of video. That means no need of converting bits and bytes to video format as file stream will read bits and bytes directly as videos so no buffering is required and time will be used less to read the video.



This application consists of three modules namely admin, listener and artists. Admin will control our application and can accept or rejects the videos which have been added by the artists. If admin accepts the videos added by the artists than this videos will be added to the zone otherwise those videos which have been rejected by admin won’t be available in our video zone. On the other hand artist will add the videos in this application, along with the song name, if his/her videos been accepted, than it will be included in our video zone website otherwise not. The third module of our project is user or listener or viewer module, which registered and will use the facilities of our website. User can view the videos, can create his own playlist.

Software requirements:

  • Microsoft .Net framework 3.5
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • Microsoft ASP.Net 3.5
  • Microsoft C#.Net language
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • HTML

Hardware Requirements:
Processor : Intel Pentium 4 or more
Ram : 1 GB or more
Hard disk : 40 GB hard disk recommended for primary partition.


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